Our squidoo articles Personal Wealth Advice and Live Motivational Seminars are currently ranking on page one of Google for their titular keywords with Live Motivational Seminars ranking number one. These two articles are also ranking number one for the search 'Mr Salesmanship'.
New Articles
We have published two more articles on squidoo this week. The first is 'True Magic of Motivation - Revealed' and this herald's the release of our first homemade DVD 'The Magic of Motivation'. The second article being 'Raise Your Salary'.
Articles for you
If you would like to see an article on a subject of your choosing simply email us with a short description of what you want and if at all possible we will write an article on it.
The Magic of Motivation
As noted above this week marks the official release of our DVD The 'Magic of Motivation'. This DVD is the first in a series and as we speak two more are on the editing table for release as and when they are ready.
Well that's all for this week, stay tuned for further developments in the world of personal wealth creation.