As a direct result of so many of you - our membership - are so enthusiastic about not only our present product range but also our future productions. Combined with most encouraging rate of response and enthusiasm for involvement with Knoll House Interforum we have taken the decision to include competition winners in forth coming productions as both guests and compares. The overriding thoughts on this being that by winning the ongoing competition they have displayed incredible enthusiasm and also being that they are genuine seekers of personal success and wealth. They will benefit first hand by becoming principles and speakers of the forum.
This is not to say that those who have miss answered certain questions of the competition will be rejected for future productions. Any member who exhibits determination towards success will of course be considered.
Watch Knoll House Interforum’s news blog as we are about to announce the addition of a junior section to the site at which time age of first possible membership will (with parents consent only) be reduced to 10 years old, the age at which the founder first realised that personal wealth was simply a goal, which with applied thought and correct education would become a reality.
On the product side of events the introduction of our CD set 1001 Business Opportunities has not only sold well here in the UK, overseas orders must prove that a Yorkshire accent is quite acceptable to those whose first language is other than English. Thank you all for your continued support in that direction.
Our next major production therefore will be the first in a series in the style of ‘The Making Of’. As you are no doubt aware many films today produce a documentary on the production and become titled ‘The Making Of...’. This idea used in conjunction with all the previous written material of our original company ‘Reginald Gee Snr Ltd’ will bring forward not only the unique and original business ideas, but much, much more, how they were first recognised and how they have expanded in today’s world the extra doors that are opened and further opportunities that exist as a result of modernisation and much, much more.
The first book title of the series was ‘Antiques for Japan’ and amazingly the modernisation of this book will not have anything to do with its title as the window of opportunity has reduced to all non-existent the cause of which is in some part owing to the book itself sending so very many Japanese antique collectables home to fine owners. The re-run of this title will now amazingly cover at least five subjects including ‘How to sell your skills and ideas to others’, ‘How to find opportunity abroad and bring it home to others and your further profit’, ‘Become a paid writer of real business opportunities’, ‘See businesses whilst others spend money’ and ‘You can earn and paid to travel the world’.
So many times business opportunity is right under a person’s nose, but like so many other of life’s puzzles, the answer is only simple when you know it. The updated story that originally was ‘Antiques for Japan’ spawned the whole book titles of Reginald Gee Snr Limited. This the first title of that series will be hosted by one of our very recent competition winners who will be fully introduced on the recording and who will place your questions as the incredible story unfolds. Not only will a stream of business opportunities unfold before you but once again the thoughts that form business ideas that are real and workable not dependant on anyone other than you yourself and your ambitions towards the level of success and the income you desire.
Should it be that you haven’t submitted a competition entry or you were one of those whose attempts to date have failed then be assured you can try again as Book 2 which was published by Reginald Gee Snr Limited under the title ‘Cash Money and a Profit Everywhere You Look’ is such a huge subject several guests will be included from the forum competition winners as it in its turn will be put through ‘The Making Of’ process. Today’s spin off from the original encompassing so much more including online auctions and the still unseen opportunities they bring and move towards by simply exploiting them with the true educated thought and motivation of an entrepreneur.
At the time of this blog entry all signs on the British and American scenes point to yet another depression that today we like to call recession - as such let me remind you that it is at these times when the individual self-employed person can shine and build upon their independence as a result of not being dragged down by the masses of self-made negativity that fires these downturns in the economy from time to time. It is of course an ill wind that blows no one any good. But a recession for our part simply changes the pecking order and opens the door of opportunity for the determined individual.
Hold the forum in your listed favourites and work on improving your positive output. Each of the products will assist you maintain that all important spirit - never loose sight of the fact that like anything else in this world success starts by thinking about it first and following proven routes second.