At your forum of forums as indeed with the teaching of Mr Salesmanship in years past, more than anything we pride ourselves on the fact we offer more business opportunity advice and not simply the passing of information for resale that so many confused with genuine plans for earnings either part or full-time. Time constructed from real life propositions which are creating wealth for those operating them right now.
It is to this end that our lastest CD production 1001 Business Opportunities will amaze you. Recorded with its special introduction and capped with an epilogue of future production and Forum plans, its 15 chapters will require that you listen to them many times over to gain from the plain commonsense that prevails all through this disc set.

So many times the obvious eludes us. In a recent Knoll House Interforum survey we conducted through the membership, no-one observed a question specifically placed within the paper the easy answer to which would have made you a millionaire in just seven moves. Like so many other things around you the answer is simple when you know it. This is yet another example of our e-book The Forumla For Success. As the most famed scientist of all time said in an interview ‘genius is the ability to see the obvious’ and at your Forum we try so hard to show you exactly that. 1001 Business Opportunities will show you masses of relevant opportunities which surround you once exposed. Our title is not trying to be facetious. Open your mind with us and this disc set. The number of business opportunities this disc will show you simply by thinking together with it are quite seriously almost countless and far in advance of its numbered title. Working with this disc set will further illustrate the method or a style of thinking that to this date has benefited all who are able to embrace it or adopt it. Moreover it is the system that not only your Forum operates upon but indeed the free world of enterprise itself.
Please enjoy this incredible four disc set which you will need to listen to many times to hear its full message.
I hope to keep you fully in the picture of all developments and look forward to some day meeting the so very many of you whose hand I have yet to shake.