Tuesday, 7 December 2010




How are you going to prove to me or anybody else for that matter that you believe in you. If indeed you have to make an effort to do just that, then your confidence may be missing in the first place.

So many times people work on others to better them when so very often the fault lies within themselves. Far worse is that so many who are in control many times cannot do the work they oversee, but yet others then have to believe in them, is this starting to sound silly, like today’s banking perhaps, and the shouting and hurrahing in the house of commons.

Confidence we are told is failing, but just a minute is not that another word for believe. Do yourself a big favour and do it soon. Start to observe others, those you know and those you don’t, look for the level or confidence or belief in themselves they display, some would say they exude. Without exception the amount of success in their lives is in direct proportion with the subject of this paper.

Each individual, including you believes in whatever they do, or in many cases think they do, in other words they actually believe in so very much, they have in fact been manipulated by others to think or then believe there are more pawns on the chessboard than any other piece and they are expendable.

Try to imagine a child at around seven years of age being stranded on a desert island. In all probability this child would survive by first eating berries and learning to move on from there. Come back to see this child in its late teens or early twenties, it will also have found something to worship, a strange tree or rock formation, a symbol that represents a greater power. Mankind by its own fallibility requires more than himself to believe in, but this is proportionate, as such can be assessed. List your beliefs, one to ten, or twenty if you like. How many of these did you choose, how many where chosen for you.

Success in any one person requires belief by that person in that person as the prime function and will be in measurable proportion to those people’s results. This can in fact be seen throughout all of history. Work on this single aspect in yourself and the starting point for all future strength of caricature is assured to the degree of effort applied.

As with anything else you can learn the mere basics or you can take a more advanced course, the problem with more knowledge is that it almost invariably brings more success. Many of course are unable to cope with this self belief and will therefore spend their whole lives living in the shadows of those who do. This is often called an employer – employee relationship.

For those who could with only a small amount of the correct assistance, have the strength, the power, of their own convictions, visit our site, leave the others to continue with their life long hesitations.


Tuesday, 23 November 2010

The Word

“What words do you live by”


We all have standards, the best of us or the worst of us, the remarkable thing is we as human beings can change, alter or rearrange our standards, should we ever see fit, or indeed be motivated to do so. Mankind can live on, under or above our planet, by first the thinking it has taken, then by choice (motivation) doing something to making it happen, no other species as even come close to this.

Words, the transfer of thought, from one to another, I have heard it said are what men live by, which as some truth providing you know what as been said. In the scheme of things this is only a very small planet with lots of people and indeed many different languages. Yet thought is where all begins, for every single person in the whole world.

There is so many who waist their time on the words of trivia, worse they are apparently stone deaf to the words which could change their world, into what ever they can think about that they would see or welcome as better, by each ones individuals standards.

Someone I knew well had a personal collection of forty thousand books in his quite large house, which was actually collapsing from the weight of them (how many words could that have been in total?) He had read them all, several many times. All were non fiction reference books. In short he was the most educated man I ever knew, yet he never had any money, nor did he know how to really earn any. He had educated himself away from the kind of common sense that once learnt, feeds and keeps a person to the standard they desire, including income. This man really did live by words; they simply were not the words by which to improve his life style, but were those words merely to constantly extend his huge book collection.

He did however prove one thing most conclusively that being what a person sets their mind to, what they think about, and then you can achieve. Although he himself lived his long and full life in relative poverty to enable him to form his vast library collection, on his demise his siblings sold the whole lot (the house as well) to presumably live happily ever after.


What then are the words you will live by, or have you not given much thought to such yet. The real question is are you ever going to, or is your aim in this life to simply get through it to the next life with as little fuss as possible, at least mummy loves you.

See My eBook - “The Second Life

As you stumble through this life and hopefully the next, consider that the one single group of words found in all religions, in all languages on Earth have in common are quite simply… that you will become that which you think about… look around you and see, all have or are doing exactly that, few know it. Yet these words are written in every tongue in every scripture and should be the most well known ‘words’ in the whole world!

Just suppose for one small moment there was magic and you could indeed have the classic three wishes, then what would they be. Which or even what words are you going to employ to state those famous wishes, clearly and precisely. If you were to try yourself now to do this simple exercise, it could bring you closer to reality than many will ever come, no matter how many lives they may have.


Many times I have walked into a full class room and asked all the people seated there “who here considers themselves to be an average person” Only to watch virtually every hand in the room go up; when I ask them the same question again at the end of my talk no hands do, and all I did whilst I was in that room was to speak words. The right words for those who seek personal wealth.

Your words now, what would they be… if you could ask any one you like from the entire of history one simple sentence, what would that be, who would you address it too and why. Make a note of this thought, think about it expand upon it in your mind until you can write a paper on it. Do this and you may just walk down a different path in life to the rest who merely want only a “job” and an “average” life style.

Bring your paper and your questions to me, if the subject written upon it requires guidance towards putting you in possession of the knowledge of how to earn more money, by a considerable margin than you do at present. I have done exactly this for very many before you, see a few of their comments on their successes, written by each to me personally, over the thirty years I have done this incredible system of specialised tuition for the creation of personal wealth.

Click on the Testimonials Page of this unique web site

where you will find the “WORD” you are looking for


Wednesday, 25 August 2010



The write up

From the writer who show’s you “how”

Practically every book ever written in its base manuscript form is an idea or a theme (the essentials) it is then extended or ‘filled’ with extra words, together with a range of repeats. Often these are further examples continuing the baseline which the book is pursuing. This is done not only to make its contents more understandable, but also so that the end product looks and indeed is more for your money.

Now that at first may sound some what unbelievable, but tell anyone the story, or content of any book you read. No way will you relay all the detail involved in its pages, but instead just the “bones” or the essential parts of the text to your listener.

In my special eBook “The Magic Circles” I put the baseline theme the original idea, of one of the most famous self-help books of all time, with sales of almost four million copies (“The lazy mans way to Riches”) on to less than one of its pages. In other words I condensed it back to its original I could even say, simple idea upon which it was created. That was then ‘filled’ to make it into an immensely saleable book. That satisfied the huge number of readers the purchasers of the completed work, at its price.

This special writing “GOALS” which I refer to as a paper, is not a book nor is it an encyclopaedia; think… first of all as to how this writer can put the facts in to simple readable language or terms, as indeed I have done in every book, work or paper I have ever written, during the past more than thirty years, as a business opportunities writer.

Having established that thought, now try to visualise if the ‘bones’ the essentials, of not only every self-help book, but also those of every major best selling motivational book. Were to be condensed, all of them into just the one easily understandable no frills writing – then adding still further to those thoughts – Think what a work such as this could mean if it was done especially for you personally, seen from your point of view. What then would you have?

The answer would be, this paper “GOALS” the no flares, no frills, boiled down to basic truth about who you are. Most importantly of all whom you could become – if you truly want to do so in terms of personal success, earnings or indeed wealth. So that you with the knowledge of where to start and how to proceed could fill your life with excitement, motion and pleasure – leaving boredom and mundane behind, with those who dare not read it.

You know that success no matter what you see that to be, is firstly being in the right place at the right time. As indeed all who have ever found it will confirm. The real secret though is in the actual knowing when you are ‘there’… in the right place. Only few ever do realise this at the time, far more look back years later, recognising what they missed, with deep and lasting regrets.

The simple fact is that all people (including you) walk right past opportunity and fail to see it as such, time and time again. As with anything else this sad mistake will continue happening. Right up to the day it becomes not only very much more important to them, but until they make the finding of success a specific “Goal” in their life to aim for.


Nothing is hard or even difficult to those who know exactly “how” The fact that you already know this short statement to be so. Is all the proof you will ever need, that you yourself only require knowing, the “how” and here is the chance to take part in this known fact, to become that you want to be. Can you handle it though is another question.

Dare to be Different

Read “Goals”

By the most accomplished self-help writer of all “Time”

Who can show you “How” having done so for many others

Reginald Gee Snr

‘How’ much is a copy of this eBook you call a paper, did you ask. OK, well first let me tell you this. Well before I was twenty years old I discovered how to work part time for myself, along side my regular job, to more than double what I earned at that time. I then learnt how to become a true ‘Goal’ setter, to keep on doubling what I did.

Let me introduce you to ‘The Ladder of Success’

By the age of twenty two having worked since school for what is regarded as full time, for several different major companies and employers. I moved into what had previously been my personal hobby (and part time job) full time. At that time by my so doing, then achieving a personal income more than double that working for a so called ‘job’ in just one week. More important to this was as my own boss in my own business, every thing I did to expand this operation increase my earnings, not that of others.

Through the years of being twenty five to twenty nine, as I introduced many new ideas into this operation my income rose constantly and dramatically. To the extent I could have purchased a new Jaguar motor car each nine weeks, of that period in time had I wished to do so! Instead I bought my large, twenty two room home in ten acres of its own land; with fields, woods and stream.

From my thirtieth birthday to my fiftieth, I created many more small enterprises. All of which had the common theme of pennies start and high returns. Then with the money generated from these, I took to the air and circled the globe, many times each of those years. As the world spun in its own gravity, so did I. Building up to earning what many would consider being a life time’s wage, every single time I flew. It was during these years that I first commenced the teaching of others to show them also how to do something similar. If it should be they wanted to take part in what I could only describe as an entrepreneurs step by step adventure. This I did through a series of nine books (the ‘Behind the Scenes’ series) plus a wide range of live seminars, based on the titles all aimed as training courses for those who would like to know ‘how’ to follow my footsteps, to wealth.

See Mr Salesmanship website www.mrsalesmanship.com for an indication of the footsteps you could follow yourself.

This was followed by the time I personally looked upon as my middle age. Those were the years around and though the turn of the century, to this now the twenty first. A period of semi-retirement, by this time all the ‘Goals’ I ever set for myself had been achieved. This twenty year period was in effect what could be seen as a comfort zone. Although I still sought the more specialised high return, short term ventures, of which there are many.

These whilst being simple to perform, all are based on minimum investment with extremely high returns none of which are related to any form of investment market, share dealing or silly get rich quick nonsense of any kind. Also being that as all these forms of business are far from common knowledge or indeed practice. Then they require not only the example but also the highlight of individual tuition for complete clarity. Only possible as a result of two way conversation made available by my latest series of one on one personal class, for the total understanding of them. There is of course no form of contact substitute for this level of personal education, in any field of human endeavour.


To give you some insight to just how far, having personally done so myself, I can teach you to ascend the ‘ladder of success’. Right now as once again I approach my Halloween birthday (see copyright for date) I am on the trial of £1m, net profit from the purchase and sale of one single artwork. The money no longer matters to me; just the ‘buzz’ I will get from this alone will be my super birthday present from me to me for my seventieth birthday.


If you can earn just one pound (£1) by yourself, or if you prefer the term self-employed, then you could earn one million and I will show you ‘how’ as I have many others.

Read “Goals” it is worth every penny that you could ever imagine being yours, and at only £49.97 if you dare to do so; you will never make a better investment in yourself.

For many all of this will just be too good to be true, and there’s nothing I can do about that kind of thinking. Because there will always be those who miss the boat all life long, for no other reason than that attitude. Right here is your ticket to the rare knowledge few will ever find, yet all look for, calling others that do locate it ‘lucky’

There’s nothing difficult about earning money, as with anything else you could also do – when you know ‘how’ The fact you already know this statement to be so, should already be all the proof of it you need, if you ever decide, or have the ‘balls’ to put the theory in to practice yourself.

Think on this… all people come to a time in their life, when they look back over the past. To say with hindsight what they should or could have done, if they had but known or thought a little more of their future. There’s truly a lot of such people, there of course always will be. Right now you are faced with the fact that with this paper “GOALS” for less than the price of fifty pounds. Which only comes down to the cost of a good night out, you don’t need to be one of them, for very much longer.


Yet so few people will actually look through the window of opportunity, to invest in the one person who could… in fact the only person who should change their lives – that being themselves by parting with so little to gain so very much.

Most live in strange hope for someone else to do it for them… they in fact wait forever, the only plan for the future they undertake with any enthusiasm being to write a detailed will, a plan of action for dying!


Ladies and gentlemen I give you “GOALS” not only the best work I have written to date – but the very best of it’s kind in it’s subject ever undertaken worldwide.

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Theme Tunes

Our series of ‘Behind The Scenes’ titles is rapidly moving into our most requested listing even into locations where English is only a second language. Who knows maybe Knoll House Interforum will one day become as famous as Coca Cola, their most remembered advert was the number one hit song ‘I’d like to teach the World to sing’ but with the words ‘I’d like to buy the World a Coke’, even today if I hear this tune playing anywhere the Coca Cola words spring to mind rather than the original words of the number one hit song – now that’s advertising for you. But would the tune fit our words – those being ‘We’d like to show the World to personal wealth creation’, well probably not. Perhaps you could suggest which tune would go with the words, that could make you much better placed financially.

For myself the tune ‘Windmills Of Your Mind’, the original soundtrack theme for the Steve McQueen film ‘The Tomas Crown Affair’ has possibilities as I find its words make a certain reference to where a person’s life really starts, that being in the mind, because as so many of the World’s most remembered people who have been before us have all in some way or other said exactly that, it all being or starting in the mind. They could have all just as easily said ‘if you can’t think about it, you cannot become it either’. Whichever way round you may care to look at it, without the power of thought then there is no life and with it the spirit or dynamics of life – if you like you can start at least to think of what you are going to do with it to better yourself.

How do you come by this power – or how did I come by this capability to create all the personal wealth I could dream about.

Right there in this last sentence is the bones of the secret, more than this it is laid out in great detail on every page of the Knoll House Interforum website, ‘The Home of Personal Wealth Creation’. For over thirty years I have shown it to others, but until I have shown it all to YOU so that YOU understand it fully, then I have missed the most important person out of my goal.

See comments from those who can tell you more, I did not miss them.


Monday, 17 May 2010

Nine Titles That Could Change Your World

Through the 1980s Reginald Gee Snr Limited produced the nine individual book titles that today are specially revamped in the electronic book format under the collective heading ‘Behind The Scenes’.

Each of the original title series three decades ago created some extremely wealthy individuals, including sole traders and self-employed, many of whom went on to become small companies, others that went on even further to form some of the most popular names in the business world today.

In their original hard copy form these titles circulated the world and indeed were copied more times than any other set of self-help titles ever produced. Desktop publishers in many various countries also reproduced them in the common language of their domain.

When a person wants to learn something there are many different ways to go about doing so – all of which come under one overall heading, that being to educate or even re-educate. You can learn any manmade skill that you may want to, but right there is that so important word ‘want’.

The wanting to must become a goal, a desire in your life that you truly wish to accomplish – when this is so – the how to could not be more simple …

Let Knoll House Interforum show you how

Start right now by going ‘BEHIND THE SCENES

Monday, 8 February 2010

Behind The Scenes Series

‘Coming Soon’ as they say not only in the cinema or even more so on TV. This Knoll House Interforum’s largest production to date of sound personal business stories well referred to in our huge free e-Book ‘The Magic Circles’, this the rewrite and update of the opportunities that formed Reginald Gee Snr Limited and created thousands of top earning students worldwide. Those of who wrote our testimonials page and in fact still do to this day.

All these people share one thing in common, which is that by learning to work smarter not harder as the less educated seem to prefer, holds the secret to success. The knowing how in all walks of life gives a certain power. In just the same way as you could repair your own car, TV or home, if you knew how to do so. You can also double or even treble your present income, once you know how.

Only you – hold you back, true you many have lots and lots of reasons, even good reasons, but in truth both you and I know you could be more than you are now – if you really wanted to be so.

Secrets in anything starts by simply wanting to personally become so and then looking into ways to learn the techniques that those who found it employed.

The ‘Behind The Scenes’ series of e-books will appear soon on your screens in the same order as they were first written and indeed as they are also listed in our special free publication:-

Monday, 25 January 2010

Money Maze – Life Maze

Few Ever Find Their Way Through Either

Like it or not you were born into the world that others (your ancestors) spent 100,000 years developing. This translates to enormous plus and minus factors that you can put to work for you, ignore, or even fight against. You can join the party and be carried on an adventure that the ones who went before you only dreamt of, yet they laid the path for you. Or you can bemoan your lot and learn little or nothing whilst living on handouts from those who can. Or slightly better take a job working the system called average until you complete the maze and are put in your box without a smile on your face.

Take a little time and consider if you had been born 100,000 years sooner, almost at the dawn of mankind. What status would you have held then, when mankind was way down the food chain that he has since climbed and when your number one goal in life was staying alive and not being yourself eaten by predators - life expectancy at that time being around just 30 years. Like it or not all of this is your history only because mankind has moved on, so have you when you come to realise that you can move you on further in the maze we call life. Will your personal dawn of recognition start to evolve for you as the life of mankind has for you up to now? No longer is sheer strength alone the almighty, but the power of thought, the thinking skills of mankind tuned, adjusted and balanced individually or united. The result has brought your ancestors from the dark caves of Neanderthal man to the edge of the universe and beyond, all of which you are a part of simply by birth.

Okay, fine, most of this you already knew. It had not been said in just those words, but so what. Well, if you feel unmoved by the text so far it is not really a surprise. You are only like the tremendous volume of ants running about almost helpless and looking for a job, an easy way out. We actually call them worker ants and like so many more you are still paying the price for being backward. The greatest problem is that you don’t know it. The real question is will you ever know before you reach the end of your maze, your life. The question is will you ever learn, I know you can and also so do you, the question is simply will you. Like anything else in your life so far, the wanting to actually do a thing has to take place within you – or - it simply does not get done.

When you were a child; books, games and even cereal packets had games on them in the form of a maze - which the purpose of was to find the way through them to the prize or correct destination. In this respect, although you never asked to be born, you nevertheless are placed on the starting line of life. This is what this maze is with its exit being exactly the same for everybody, whether they are black or white, man or woman, rich or poor. Hold on right there, one of those brackets is manmade - that’s right the last one, rich or poor. Now there is a thought, did you ever take time to realise you do not have to hold a licence to earn money. As you pass through this maze of life you learn some very simple business techniques that are actually all around you if you just take a little time to see them. It all comes right back to the same question, you must ask yourself what do I want to be. If you can not answer this question yet then let us look further into the subject.

Time out as they say. Think about this: you have been packaged and processed ever since you were born; to your religion, your station in life, to your likes and dislikes and rules which you must obey or be outcast. When are you going to realise that in exactly the same way there are other rules, plans, education and reasoning that when applied to life will take you on a path through the maze - as we have come to call it - on a path paved with what you would see as gold if you could set your goals and follow your dreams. So if by now I have got you thinking then think on this; nobody gets out of this life alive, the only difference is how you came across the maze, or if you prefer from one side to the other as just a small exercise. Before we move on, let me ask you to think of this; how many funerals have taken place today alone for people who never dared to dream the dream that faces you today.

Follow if you can this thought; the best business in this world is in assisting your fellow man, or woman, to cross this maze of life successfully, from the time of conception to that of interment. All these people including you are somebody’s customers, clients or students - there is scores of names for them. Consider, you watch television and see fine lives of others, places to go, food, cars, houses, etc; it is often called ‘how the other half live’. Yet less than 20% of people in the civilised world live this way – do you – you could, but only if you know how. Incredible as it may seem, few really want to know how to the extent which actually makes it so much easier for those who do, or in your case for those who want to know. True, some, but not many television shows encourage free enterprise and the arts embodied in the skill. But on the whole nobody cares very much about you until you care for yourself, at which point you will find that one door after another opens for you. To put it another way you will find what to most is just one secret after the other.

Move along with me and consider if you would that you had to write an essay on the rest of your life to come, on paper, or on the computer screen, how many words would it use up, or how many pages could you write. How long would it take you to do so from start to finish? Could you believe that 50% would not even know where to start with such an undertaking yet when you understand this technique which is called a plan for living, it is the simplest step imaginable to exercise control and success in your own future. Certain private business management schools charge fortunes to explain this personal control and goal setting systems as their foundation for individual success. In just the same way as you may write a shopping list, show how you could write your own ticket for life.

Have you ever given thought that right now you are making exactly the same mistake that so many others have before you. Just try to imagine if you knew about that mistake in the first place you would not need to make it and in the second place could not only avoid it completely but instead do the thing that worked. Silly as it may seem this is called advice, or even education. Now you know you can learn to read or write, or any other of the skills that mankind has invented over the last 100,000 years. You remember where we began this text, have you ever given any thought to the skill that mankind also created by coming down from the trees and walking upright, that being the ability to enrich himself to his own requirements and level of comfort he came to enjoy as a result of doing so.

Should it be that you are not rich and talented then the simple question that remains is do you want to be, or could it possibly be that you are comfortable with that rut in which you are stuck. It has been said before that a rut is just a grave open at both ends and without end. Like so many more perhaps you should check to see if you are dead already and just hanging around for the funeral day. I have met thousands of people who have purposely gone to the trouble of writing a will – a plan for dieing – but yet they have never written a plan for living. They have no goals, no proper aims in life, but yet they plan and prepare for dieing. There are books, schools and classes that can change your life if you take time to look for them instead of putting your time into burying your head in the sand as it were.

Right now as you read this there are millions of people in this world all rushing around busy going nowhere whether you like it or not you are just one of them. This will remain so until you find a reason to look for a better job, a better life, or even to realise that there is magic out there that could be yours. I’m Reggie Gee and can offer two views of self improvement you could reach out for. Few ever find true success and the reason for that? Is that few ever truly look for it. Look at it as illuminated in this post script.

Considering that Christ, Moses, Mohammed and yes even Buddha failed in their constant efforts to get all the people to do all the time that which they all knew they aught to do – then the bare reality of all time and all teachings must be that partial failure is indicative to this planet. Taken as such the now final question this leaves is simply which side of this line or life, success or failure, do you see yourself, or want to be seen as?