Tuesday, 23 November 2010

The Word

“What words do you live by”


We all have standards, the best of us or the worst of us, the remarkable thing is we as human beings can change, alter or rearrange our standards, should we ever see fit, or indeed be motivated to do so. Mankind can live on, under or above our planet, by first the thinking it has taken, then by choice (motivation) doing something to making it happen, no other species as even come close to this.

Words, the transfer of thought, from one to another, I have heard it said are what men live by, which as some truth providing you know what as been said. In the scheme of things this is only a very small planet with lots of people and indeed many different languages. Yet thought is where all begins, for every single person in the whole world.

There is so many who waist their time on the words of trivia, worse they are apparently stone deaf to the words which could change their world, into what ever they can think about that they would see or welcome as better, by each ones individuals standards.

Someone I knew well had a personal collection of forty thousand books in his quite large house, which was actually collapsing from the weight of them (how many words could that have been in total?) He had read them all, several many times. All were non fiction reference books. In short he was the most educated man I ever knew, yet he never had any money, nor did he know how to really earn any. He had educated himself away from the kind of common sense that once learnt, feeds and keeps a person to the standard they desire, including income. This man really did live by words; they simply were not the words by which to improve his life style, but were those words merely to constantly extend his huge book collection.

He did however prove one thing most conclusively that being what a person sets their mind to, what they think about, and then you can achieve. Although he himself lived his long and full life in relative poverty to enable him to form his vast library collection, on his demise his siblings sold the whole lot (the house as well) to presumably live happily ever after.


What then are the words you will live by, or have you not given much thought to such yet. The real question is are you ever going to, or is your aim in this life to simply get through it to the next life with as little fuss as possible, at least mummy loves you.

See My eBook - “The Second Life

As you stumble through this life and hopefully the next, consider that the one single group of words found in all religions, in all languages on Earth have in common are quite simply… that you will become that which you think about… look around you and see, all have or are doing exactly that, few know it. Yet these words are written in every tongue in every scripture and should be the most well known ‘words’ in the whole world!

Just suppose for one small moment there was magic and you could indeed have the classic three wishes, then what would they be. Which or even what words are you going to employ to state those famous wishes, clearly and precisely. If you were to try yourself now to do this simple exercise, it could bring you closer to reality than many will ever come, no matter how many lives they may have.


Many times I have walked into a full class room and asked all the people seated there “who here considers themselves to be an average person” Only to watch virtually every hand in the room go up; when I ask them the same question again at the end of my talk no hands do, and all I did whilst I was in that room was to speak words. The right words for those who seek personal wealth.

Your words now, what would they be… if you could ask any one you like from the entire of history one simple sentence, what would that be, who would you address it too and why. Make a note of this thought, think about it expand upon it in your mind until you can write a paper on it. Do this and you may just walk down a different path in life to the rest who merely want only a “job” and an “average” life style.

Bring your paper and your questions to me, if the subject written upon it requires guidance towards putting you in possession of the knowledge of how to earn more money, by a considerable margin than you do at present. I have done exactly this for very many before you, see a few of their comments on their successes, written by each to me personally, over the thirty years I have done this incredible system of specialised tuition for the creation of personal wealth.

Click on the Testimonials Page of this unique web site

where you will find the “WORD” you are looking for