Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Do Not Want A Fortune

Lots of people do not want a whole lot of money. Most only want a good living and a time of leisure and pleasure, which thought we will come back to later.

We ordinary people envy those who seem to have it all. But do we ever take time to look behind the scenes to see what is really going on. In just the same way as television shows today show magicians tricks, which are so simple once explained and shown to you, so are the secrets of what makes the rich rich and what keeps them in that most enviable of positions.

Sure there is also those who gave away the chance to make a fortune, there always has been. This could be you. For example, would you have sold the original formula for Coca Cola for a measly $500, the doctor who invented it did, around 1850 in the USA, would you? The McDonald brothers resisted all offers to duplicate their business when Ray Crock was trying to simply sell extra equipment to them. They sold out to him for convenience, forcing poor Mr Crock to become the richest man of his time in the fast food industry. What a bore having to try and spend all that money before you die.

These stories are endless, millions lost or gone elsewhere because someone just like you turned down the opportunity. Jack Warner of Warner Bros movies turned down a 50% share in the number one television station in America because he said the small screen would never replace the big screen. This was not millions Mr Warner missed out on, not even billions, but in fact would be counted today in trillions.

Let us come back down to earth. What is the story on our level? We who know if we had bought a house a few years ago we would be well out in front now. Where are we missing out? What is the difference between those who have and those who have not? What is that those who have it treat as a secret and those who don’t chase after year after year, falling for all kinds of lunatic schemes in their search but yet seem to come up empty handed every time.

Back in the 1950s a friend of mine made the first ever seat belts for a motor car. He did it only as an exercise and gave the idea to a friend who formed Britax and patented them. He invented all kinds of new businesses and sold them to others, one of which created Morrisons supermarket. Another formed the chain of Little Chef fast food restaurants. He also built a company that produced the first British Microwave Oven. Raymond E’tere could think in terms of real businesses not lunatic schemes. His ideas formed over 150 registered companies in a single lifetime, simply for no other reason than he could see the obvious, or at least what was obvious to him. On almost all occasions he had to build the business and then sell it on, because most people want too much done for them and then handed to them on a plate as it were.

Where then do you fit in to all of this? Well if you could learn to think as all those mentioned by name thus far in this text you would have a choice. You could conduct a business yourself or show someone else how to. Or you could even put others to work for you doing it all for you – possibly in a similar manner to how most people working hard for someone else other than themselves are doing right now. The big question is what do you want to do? You may not believe this at first but very few if any can answer this question first time asked which is why this article is titled as it is and with the first paragraph posing the lead-up to the one just asked.

Let me therefore compress all this information into one short paragraph that you can concentrate upon. Some of you will believe in magic, some in good luck. This is quite natural but yet few believe in themselves and this is where the secret begins. Until you come to realise that only you will never leave you and that only you can keep a secret. Only you will have your best interest at heart. When did you last let you down? There is lots of help in the world for you, but always more when you truly believe in you. If you know this to be so, fine, so much the better. But if you didn’t know it then you had better jolly well learn it, because without it you are a non-starter, like so many more who also ran.

The final post – the winning line – it is so simple that most fail ever to see it. Chances are that you will be no different unless you put time into understanding that as you think then so you will become. Start by realising you already are that and that you must change it to have any chance to become more. What does more mean to you? How can you find out? Where is the very best help on the subject to be had?

The school of success thinkers

Most people only eat when they are hungry. Some cannot even do that. The difference: when you are rich it is anytime, anything and anywhere you choose to do so. Those who are poor mostly want to be rich and those who are rich mostly don’t want to be poor. Why not find out just what the hell is going on in this world right under your nose.

Knoll House Interforum

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