Thursday, 18 December 2008

Christmas 2008 followed by New Year 2009 or should it be 'Poor Year' as in Skint 2009 courtesy of the ridiculous Credit Crunch

We of course wish all our members a very merry Christmas and do sincerely hope that you are not going to be part of the ‘Poor Year’.

Over the last several months my son and I have written to over 50 relevant members of the House of Lords and the House of Commons together with many other dignitaries who are in effect responsible or have immediate connections with the down turn not only in the British economy but also on a Worldwide view.

I have to confess that our letters to this date have only been answered by less than a handful of the recipients. It seems to us that whilst everyone including news media and all the various politicians, heads of state, etc are letting off lots of steam or even blowing wind regarding this credit crunch its creation and appearance but yet none of them, absolutely none of them have yet started to even whisper never mind talk about how to reverse the trend.

You the members of Knoll House Interforum and future members to come are the answer to not only the countries needs but quite literally the whole world. Without new ideas, new businesses and new people with determination, this silly state of affairs is likely to continue for several years, not months or days, there are no miracles to get all these idiots out of the mire they have dug for themselves. Now more than ever you should support Knoll House Interforum. It’s where you can find tomorrow whilst all the idiots out there are clueless and likely to remain so.

Once again merry Christmas, we will be happy to hear from all and any members wanting to take on board the philosophy that could turn this world down turn into their personal up turn.

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