Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Think Hard On This

Just suppose that you could go somewhere to knock upon the door of opportunity - that's right, you yourself, no one else.

This being solely down to you - if you knew for a fact you could go yourself and knock on a door guaranteed to be that of opportunity - how far would you go to do it.

The question is the same for you as it is for anyone else - just how far would you go - many would not even go as far as the house next door - some may if pushed go to the next street.

But you - how far would you go - lets say if you could increase your present income by half again - how far would you go to do that.

What then if you could double your present income - would you go further to do this. How much would it take to make you go 'all the way'.

Suppose I could show you a way to at least make a start from where you are now. Sat at your computer, using only your fingers to look at your options. Right now you could show your initial interest by simply asking more.


Do you live in exactly the house you really want, or drive the car you admire the most.

Or simply what in your life would change if your income matched your needs.

Perhaps you have no needs - so then what is it you're waiting for. Remember time is not on your side.

Not too long from the date of this blog will see the first introduction of our monster e-book "DON'T DO IT" where we examine the negativity of the many to see the hold it puts upon the few who could walk on gold once they can see the way to do so.

The price, or as we could say the cost of this Knoll House Interforum publication will be as never made available to any item ever before it, being free to those of a positive mental attitude but charged at £250 to those of a negative nature.

How shall we do this, watch our products page for further details coming soon!

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