Thursday 10 September 2009

She Was Holding Out For A Hero

For Her Everybody Was Going Nowhere Fast

In 1985 I did not recognise the name Bonnie Tyler, I was having a ball tripping all round the world, buying and selling so easily. Money is not difficult to earn, it is just so few people really want to, not only is that so but sillier still is the fact, those who do usually don’t want to earn too much, just a living, in most cases.

This then leaves so very much not only for me but also for my ever growing body of students to earn.

At this time I am talking about I was following one of the many business plans in my book “The Jet Setting Far Eastern Trader”. I was in Seoul, Korea, when this number as they say, was No1 there, at the time in a fantastic night club with a delicious 18 year old girl by the name of Suki No, together we danced our feet off to this record till morning.

In many parts of the world, what is the number one sound they repeat, once every fifteen minutes being quite usual. It is not then difficult to become familiar with the tune. The words ‘everybody’s going nowhere fast’ made me smile, the retail public, the customers that make the life of a jet setter so very possible. It was the profits in simple trade that was paying for all of this and far more besides.

Suki, accompanied me by day for language translation and in her words ‘will be your wife’ at night, she sure knew how to paint that city of Seoul red! We visited all the hot spots by day and by night.

The nicest part of earning a lot of money is that you get to be able to spend a lot of money, with which you can buy memories. Many people do say that money does not bring you happiness; I am not sure what currency they mean by this remark. The kind I earn and also teach, very definitely makes my students happy.

People who don’t earn it big can’t spend it big, it’s that simple, and the silly thing also, is that it’s simple to earn it big when you know how. Which you may be pleased to know is exactly that I now exclusively devote my time to. Providing you can tell me how much you want to earn I can make ‘how’ possible.

What happened to Suki? She bought me the Bonnie Tyler music that we spent four nights dancing to; I still have it and always think of her when ever I hear it. She still sends me a Christmas card, so I guess that I must have done something right. I often go back to the world wide destinations but never to the same ladies, variety, is after all the spice of life. Perhaps I should write my story as ‘Around the world in eighty orgasms’.

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