Wednesday 4 August 2010

Theme Tunes

Our series of ‘Behind The Scenes’ titles is rapidly moving into our most requested listing even into locations where English is only a second language. Who knows maybe Knoll House Interforum will one day become as famous as Coca Cola, their most remembered advert was the number one hit song ‘I’d like to teach the World to sing’ but with the words ‘I’d like to buy the World a Coke’, even today if I hear this tune playing anywhere the Coca Cola words spring to mind rather than the original words of the number one hit song – now that’s advertising for you. But would the tune fit our words – those being ‘We’d like to show the World to personal wealth creation’, well probably not. Perhaps you could suggest which tune would go with the words, that could make you much better placed financially.

For myself the tune ‘Windmills Of Your Mind’, the original soundtrack theme for the Steve McQueen film ‘The Tomas Crown Affair’ has possibilities as I find its words make a certain reference to where a person’s life really starts, that being in the mind, because as so many of the World’s most remembered people who have been before us have all in some way or other said exactly that, it all being or starting in the mind. They could have all just as easily said ‘if you can’t think about it, you cannot become it either’. Whichever way round you may care to look at it, without the power of thought then there is no life and with it the spirit or dynamics of life – if you like you can start at least to think of what you are going to do with it to better yourself.

How do you come by this power – or how did I come by this capability to create all the personal wealth I could dream about.

Right there in this last sentence is the bones of the secret, more than this it is laid out in great detail on every page of the Knoll House Interforum website, ‘The Home of Personal Wealth Creation’. For over thirty years I have shown it to others, but until I have shown it all to YOU so that YOU understand it fully, then I have missed the most important person out of my goal.

See comments from those who can tell you more, I did not miss them.

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