Thursday, 18 December 2008

Christmas 2008 followed by New Year 2009 or should it be 'Poor Year' as in Skint 2009 courtesy of the ridiculous Credit Crunch

We of course wish all our members a very merry Christmas and do sincerely hope that you are not going to be part of the ‘Poor Year’.

Over the last several months my son and I have written to over 50 relevant members of the House of Lords and the House of Commons together with many other dignitaries who are in effect responsible or have immediate connections with the down turn not only in the British economy but also on a Worldwide view.

I have to confess that our letters to this date have only been answered by less than a handful of the recipients. It seems to us that whilst everyone including news media and all the various politicians, heads of state, etc are letting off lots of steam or even blowing wind regarding this credit crunch its creation and appearance but yet none of them, absolutely none of them have yet started to even whisper never mind talk about how to reverse the trend.

You the members of Knoll House Interforum and future members to come are the answer to not only the countries needs but quite literally the whole world. Without new ideas, new businesses and new people with determination, this silly state of affairs is likely to continue for several years, not months or days, there are no miracles to get all these idiots out of the mire they have dug for themselves. Now more than ever you should support Knoll House Interforum. It’s where you can find tomorrow whilst all the idiots out there are clueless and likely to remain so.

Once again merry Christmas, we will be happy to hear from all and any members wanting to take on board the philosophy that could turn this world down turn into their personal up turn.

Tuesday, 30 September 2008



"Thank you so much for a great day when Ann and I attended your seminar, the day really set us thinking about the future and both of us see the necessity for change, if we are really going to make anything out of the remaining years of life — I cannot thank you enough for giving Ann and I the opportunity to begin a new life — it all looks most interesting and I can hardly wait to begin — it is all very exciting thank you for what you are offering."

For the past month or so we have been very busy with Private Consultancy sessions, so don't leave it too long to book your own before all the free spaces are taken.

In and among this huge workload we have been working on our testimonials page (sample shown here), so if you have not yet seen it ... what are you waiting for?

Take me to Knoll House Interforum's Testimonial page to see why we truly are - The Home of Personal Wealth Creation!

Monday, 1 September 2008

1001 Business Opportunities

At your forum of forums as indeed with the teaching of Mr Salesmanship in years past, more than anything we pride ourselves on the fact we offer more business opportunity advice and not simply the passing of information for resale that so many confused with genuine plans for earnings either part or full-time. Time constructed from real life propositions which are creating wealth for those operating them right now.

It is to this end that our lastest CD production 1001 Business Opportunities will amaze you. Recorded with its special introduction and capped with an epilogue of future production and Forum plans, its 15 chapters will require that you listen to them many times over to gain from the plain commonsense that prevails all through this disc set.

So many times the obvious eludes us. In a recent Knoll House Interforum survey we conducted through the membership, no-one observed a question specifically placed within the paper the easy answer to which would have made you a millionaire in just seven moves. Like so many other things around you the answer is simple when you know it. This is yet another example of our e-book The Forumla For Success. As the most famed scientist of all time said in an interview ‘genius is the ability to see the obvious’ and at your Forum we try so hard to show you exactly that. 1001 Business Opportunities will show you masses of relevant opportunities which surround you once exposed. Our title is not trying to be facetious. Open your mind with us and this disc set. The number of business opportunities this disc will show you simply by thinking together with it are quite seriously almost countless and far in advance of its numbered title. Working with this disc set will further illustrate the method or a style of thinking that to this date has benefited all who are able to embrace it or adopt it. Moreover it is the system that not only your Forum operates upon but indeed the free world of enterprise itself.

Please enjoy this incredible four disc set which you will need to listen to many times to hear its full message.

I hope to keep you fully in the picture of all developments and look forward to some day meeting the so very many of you whose hand I have yet to shake.

Thursday, 10 July 2008

And It Came To Pass

Almost two years ago in my various recordings for the self-employed and those looking to become self-employed I spoke at length about the obvious financial crisis that the Western World was heading headlong towards. Now as major banks and yes building societies go to the wall as fuel prices drive even more companies into bankruptcies then our rather silly and well over-stretched financial system is not merely put to the test but it is ruptured and in serious danger of a meltdown. It is in times such as these that the self-employed person with more flexibility can operate and literally in their own fields become the saviors of the day.

In all occasions of financial crisis or even depression the truest statement of all is that 'it is an ill wind that blows no good'. In other words the current financial crisis actually opens opportunities for those prepared to get up and go rather than be dragged along with the masses in the folly of the day.

To the uninitiated it might sound improbable or hard to believe, but to the mainline students of Knoll House Interforum and the students of Mr Salesmanship opportunity is knocking and all that is required to open this door is to understand it. This of course is exactly what these two unrivaled websites are all about.

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Do Not Want A Fortune

Lots of people do not want a whole lot of money. Most only want a good living and a time of leisure and pleasure, which thought we will come back to later.

We ordinary people envy those who seem to have it all. But do we ever take time to look behind the scenes to see what is really going on. In just the same way as television shows today show magicians tricks, which are so simple once explained and shown to you, so are the secrets of what makes the rich rich and what keeps them in that most enviable of positions.

Sure there is also those who gave away the chance to make a fortune, there always has been. This could be you. For example, would you have sold the original formula for Coca Cola for a measly $500, the doctor who invented it did, around 1850 in the USA, would you? The McDonald brothers resisted all offers to duplicate their business when Ray Crock was trying to simply sell extra equipment to them. They sold out to him for convenience, forcing poor Mr Crock to become the richest man of his time in the fast food industry. What a bore having to try and spend all that money before you die.

These stories are endless, millions lost or gone elsewhere because someone just like you turned down the opportunity. Jack Warner of Warner Bros movies turned down a 50% share in the number one television station in America because he said the small screen would never replace the big screen. This was not millions Mr Warner missed out on, not even billions, but in fact would be counted today in trillions.

Let us come back down to earth. What is the story on our level? We who know if we had bought a house a few years ago we would be well out in front now. Where are we missing out? What is the difference between those who have and those who have not? What is that those who have it treat as a secret and those who don’t chase after year after year, falling for all kinds of lunatic schemes in their search but yet seem to come up empty handed every time.

Back in the 1950s a friend of mine made the first ever seat belts for a motor car. He did it only as an exercise and gave the idea to a friend who formed Britax and patented them. He invented all kinds of new businesses and sold them to others, one of which created Morrisons supermarket. Another formed the chain of Little Chef fast food restaurants. He also built a company that produced the first British Microwave Oven. Raymond E’tere could think in terms of real businesses not lunatic schemes. His ideas formed over 150 registered companies in a single lifetime, simply for no other reason than he could see the obvious, or at least what was obvious to him. On almost all occasions he had to build the business and then sell it on, because most people want too much done for them and then handed to them on a plate as it were.

Where then do you fit in to all of this? Well if you could learn to think as all those mentioned by name thus far in this text you would have a choice. You could conduct a business yourself or show someone else how to. Or you could even put others to work for you doing it all for you – possibly in a similar manner to how most people working hard for someone else other than themselves are doing right now. The big question is what do you want to do? You may not believe this at first but very few if any can answer this question first time asked which is why this article is titled as it is and with the first paragraph posing the lead-up to the one just asked.

Let me therefore compress all this information into one short paragraph that you can concentrate upon. Some of you will believe in magic, some in good luck. This is quite natural but yet few believe in themselves and this is where the secret begins. Until you come to realise that only you will never leave you and that only you can keep a secret. Only you will have your best interest at heart. When did you last let you down? There is lots of help in the world for you, but always more when you truly believe in you. If you know this to be so, fine, so much the better. But if you didn’t know it then you had better jolly well learn it, because without it you are a non-starter, like so many more who also ran.

The final post – the winning line – it is so simple that most fail ever to see it. Chances are that you will be no different unless you put time into understanding that as you think then so you will become. Start by realising you already are that and that you must change it to have any chance to become more. What does more mean to you? How can you find out? Where is the very best help on the subject to be had?

The school of success thinkers

Most people only eat when they are hungry. Some cannot even do that. The difference: when you are rich it is anytime, anything and anywhere you choose to do so. Those who are poor mostly want to be rich and those who are rich mostly don’t want to be poor. Why not find out just what the hell is going on in this world right under your nose.

Knoll House Interforum

Monday, 7 April 2008

Aladdin’s Lamp – Pirate Treasure

As children’s stories of treasure hunts were of huge excitement, thousands of books highlighted them and Hollywood produced hundreds of giant movies based on the very same subject. Tell me about you reading this page, at what age were you when these stories no longer fired you up? When was it that you accepted the negativity that dulls these stories as the norm? You have been (as so many other so called adults have) convinced that the next major event in your life will be doom and gloom.

One hundred years ago people were still saying the horseless carriage wouldn’t catch on and laughing at the flight of man in wood and paper flying machines. Alright let us just suppose your next door neighbour joins Knoll House Interforum and as a result their earnings speed ahead and take off. Would not this put you in the same position as your counterpart one hundred years ago.

This time you don’t have to be left behind. At Knoll House Interforum we have taken two years to produce a very special DVD that clearly shows and demonstrates through eight streaming videos all of which are introduced and explained so that you can examine what could be your future as opposed to reaching a point in life where you look back and wonder how come you got left behind.

With a running time of 42 minutes ‘We Teach People How To Earn Extra Money’ introduces you to a world of personal self betterment that the university students of the world seek but few actually find. Subtitled ‘At Your Speed, In Your Time, The Exact Amount You Choose’ tries to convey to you that earnings you presently dream of are not outside your grasp with the correct education or simple guidance. Don’t miss this inspiring philosophy.

Friday, 4 April 2008


We all of us become that which we think about. We already are the product of our sum thoughts up to this present time.

How then do we move on from there, what comes next?

Quiet simply, think again. Learn to think more and better. Think big of me not small. Think winner not loser.

You are the owner of a human brain. Question is do you use it?

Strange are these creatures called mankind who exercise their bodies to take part in all manner of pastimes and could do so much more.

To most a brain exercise is a quiz at a pub, or on television, even a magazine.

You know that you can exercise your body to any extent you want to do so. You are also aware that you can play any game you may care to by learning the rules. You dress yourself to be part of certain occasions and you speak upon educated subjects you have knowledge of, every day of your life.

So how come you don’t have all the money you would like to own? Is this perhaps a subject you over looked or missed out upon? If you can find a way to tell me why you don’t have the wealth that you must be seeking otherwise how come you are reading this. Because I can tell you if you will listen, what is more I can install in you this part of your education that obviously has been neglected up to now.

You can become what you think about – but only - once you have been taught to think.

Wednesday, 19 March 2008

The School for Winners

As a direct result of so many of you - our membership - are so enthusiastic about not only our present product range but also our future productions. Combined with most encouraging rate of response and enthusiasm for involvement with Knoll House Interforum we have taken the decision to include competition winners in forth coming productions as both guests and compares. The overriding thoughts on this being that by winning the ongoing competition they have displayed incredible enthusiasm and also being that they are genuine seekers of personal success and wealth. They will benefit first hand by becoming principles and speakers of the forum.

This is not to say that those who have miss answered certain questions of the competition will be rejected for future productions. Any member who exhibits determination towards success will of course be considered.

Watch Knoll House Interforum’s news blog as we are about to announce the addition of a junior section to the site at which time age of first possible membership will (with parents consent only) be reduced to 10 years old, the age at which the founder first realised that personal wealth was simply a goal, which with applied thought and correct education would become a reality.

On the product side of events the introduction of our CD set 1001 Business Opportunities has not only sold well here in the UK, overseas orders must prove that a Yorkshire accent is quite acceptable to those whose first language is other than English. Thank you all for your continued support in that direction.

Our next major production therefore will be the first in a series in the style of ‘The Making Of’. As you are no doubt aware many films today produce a documentary on the production and become titled ‘The Making Of...’. This idea used in conjunction with all the previous written material of our original company ‘Reginald Gee Snr Ltd’ will bring forward not only the unique and original business ideas, but much, much more, how they were first recognised and how they have expanded in today’s world the extra doors that are opened and further opportunities that exist as a result of modernisation and much, much more.

The first book title of the series was ‘Antiques for Japan’ and amazingly the modernisation of this book will not have anything to do with its title as the window of opportunity has reduced to all non-existent the cause of which is in some part owing to the book itself sending so very many Japanese antique collectables home to fine owners. The re-run of this title will now amazingly cover at least five subjects including ‘How to sell your skills and ideas to others’, ‘How to find opportunity abroad and bring it home to others and your further profit’, ‘Become a paid writer of real business opportunities’, ‘See businesses whilst others spend money’ and ‘You can earn and paid to travel the world’.

So many times business opportunity is right under a person’s nose, but like so many other of life’s puzzles, the answer is only simple when you know it. The updated story that originally was ‘Antiques for Japan’ spawned the whole book titles of Reginald Gee Snr Limited. This the first title of that series will be hosted by one of our very recent competition winners who will be fully introduced on the recording and who will place your questions as the incredible story unfolds. Not only will a stream of business opportunities unfold before you but once again the thoughts that form business ideas that are real and workable not dependant on anyone other than you yourself and your ambitions towards the level of success and the income you desire.

Should it be that you haven’t submitted a competition entry or you were one of those whose attempts to date have failed then be assured you can try again as Book 2 which was published by Reginald Gee Snr Limited under the title ‘Cash Money and a Profit Everywhere You Look’ is such a huge subject several guests will be included from the forum competition winners as it in its turn will be put through ‘The Making Of’ process. Today’s spin off from the original encompassing so much more including online auctions and the still unseen opportunities they bring and move towards by simply exploiting them with the true educated thought and motivation of an entrepreneur.

At the time of this blog entry all signs on the British and American scenes point to yet another depression that today we like to call recession - as such let me remind you that it is at these times when the individual self-employed person can shine and build upon their independence as a result of not being dragged down by the masses of self-made negativity that fires these downturns in the economy from time to time. It is of course an ill wind that blows no one any good. But a recession for our part simply changes the pecking order and opens the door of opportunity for the determined individual.

Hold the forum in your listed favourites and work on improving your positive output. Each of the products will assist you maintain that all important spirit - never loose sight of the fact that like anything else in this world success starts by thinking about it first and following proven routes second.

Monday, 28 January 2008

Whats So Difficult About Earning Money?

I am pleased to be able to report that the comments and testimonials flow in from the forum membership by email and also by the telephone. Gone are the days when people write letters in our modern age, so I feel justified in replying to some of these communications by streaming video so that the full membership of Knoll House Interforum can benefit from these remarks. On this occasion however, I must point out that for the first time communication from the ladies outnumber those from the boys. This of course could be that it is usually the ladies who are superior on the keyboard compared to us mere fellows.

We also pay respect to the passing of one of my personal mentors a self made gentleman of the highest caliber, Jack Lesley Goldthorpe.