Wednesday, 16 December 2009

To Dream The Impossible Dream

e-Book Cover PictureThis e-book is more of a wake-up call than a dream – everybody knows they could do better or have better but where to start. You are responsible for you nobody else, as such if you wait for someone else to light your fire, the chances are you will wait forever. This writing for me has been indeed a pleasure and has allowed me to share with the reader where my success started as I turned dreams into reality.

Just that, like everything else if you have the key you can open the door, the gate or indeed the prison, whichever you would see as your barrier – to turn dreams into reality and how I prefer to address the knowledge, all can do it, if you can look into a mirror and talk to yourself – then you can do this, if you cannot, will not, or won’t even try then okay you are past all forms of help as indeed you wish to be.

Only if you want to learn, anything at all will you make the effort to do so. True many are forced into learning a trade so that they can make a living. It is only that the very minimum they then do which lifts them to the dizzy heights of ‘average’. This then becomes the trap. At this point some never dream again – all that is over, some just a few on the other hand still do dream – are you one of these people. If you are then to dream the impossible dream was written for you.

This is not a free e-book, because there becomes a point in time when you must invest in you – or no one else will – instruction or education if you like gets better the further upmarket you progress – such progress pays dividends, just as gold is more expensive than silver – so then is the information that locates the varying mines (minds).

Click Here For More Information

Monday, 23 November 2009

Sex For Sale

Our latest e-Book to date ‘Sex For Sale’ with it’s provocative title has been written not only to open your eyes but also your mind – not your dirty mind either.

This is not only the story of that which is said to be the oldest business in the world … it is the study of exactly what that can mean to you, a student of the art of Wealth Creation. No matter which sex or even religion you are … whether you are Saint or Sinner. Draw back the curtains on ‘Sex For Sale’, view for yourself this world – that most see as an underworld, not to be spoken of in polite society; find now the longest ongoing lesson of totally misunderstood … misused and even abused human motivation of all time.

Dating back to the very dawn of human history, from a time even before religion was fought over … this the business of ‘Sex For Sale’ was practiced worldwide, transcending all barriers of language or creed, with no end or even pause ever to be in sight; what a true enormity of lessons this ongoing miracle of trade of mankind can illustrate as it shows itself to the student of business … through this e-Book some would term as an expose and others may say daring at the very least.

Trade with a capital ‘T’ is what ‘Sex For Sale’ has always been about, it is not merely the oldest and longest surviving money spinner of all time – it is far more importantly for those who will heed it … the all time classroom of life and commerce on the planet … most especially for the self-employed and all the people who could also become such providing time is taken to see and learn the lesson as indeed would be the same with any item of ‘higher learning’.

Some people have the ability to look at a pile of lumber and see a cabin, or a pile of stone and see a house … others simply cannot see the wood for the trees. For in reality, all students can see better and understand far more once a skilful narrative is applied to clarify the view – this is exactly what education is, no matter what the subject may be … every trade has it’s secrets which is what we has students set out to learn so that we may also become skilled in our chosen art or craft.

Sex For Sale is then that narrative … it’s lesson being that all consuming subject of how to earn an advanced living – that only those with inside knowledge ever truly discover. The few that learn the real secrets enclosed within this e-Book ‘Sex For Sale’ will as the masters of the skill earn untold wealth … whilst those who know no better continue to walk the streets doing it the hard way.

Incidentally, as a bonus to those already ‘in’ the business – here is a rule book that you can apply to your existing efforts to multiply your business many times over from your first reading or should I say application of the rules governing success in any chosen or given field of human endeavour.

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Two Questions

In this short text I’m only going to ask you two things. The first is that you think or ask yourself what so far in life is the hardest thing you have ever done or achieved. The thing or proposition you put the most effort into, or took the longest time to complete or bring into reality. What was it you might have first thought that could not be done, but yet you did it and even to some extent surprised yourself.

Then to complete the picture or properly we should say the text, the opposite question which of course is - what was the easiest thing you ever did that had so much meaning in your life. Sure there will be many that were so easy you have forgotten them, as opposed to the hardest, simply because by their very nature these opposites carry little or no memory on the side of simplicity whilst the complex of the other leaves greater imprints in or on the mind.

As this is text you are reading as compared to two conversations, regrettably we are unable to compare verbal notes. Therefore I can only illustrate these questions from my own view point and experience. Nevertheless, if you study the lesson and absorb some part of it I am confident you will gain further insight of how to exercise the little gray cells as Agatha Christie would have her hero Hercule Pierrot say.

For me; as I guess would be the same for you, the just exactly where to start on the ‘most difficult’ in itself is almost a nightmare. Life has had so very many, I suspect for us both, items and times that could be listed so. To reduce the number of headings lets take out all the really personal items, such as births, deaths and marriages, keeping the columns for the accomplished or even attempted goals, stages of progression up the ladder of success. The jobs or the work you have done and the rise on the ladder of promotion, or pay increases. Your first house or car and the story leading to that you have now. If you’re worth anything at all, the older in years you may be should reflect in the number of stories or items of this type you can relate. For example, it is not so easy buying your first house, the second is easier as you have some experience from the first and hopefully it is a progression up the ladder of success. My first house was a one bedroom very small cottage with only two downstairs rooms. My wife and I became a family of four in that house. Through work and their learning of how to work smarter, a few house changes later and look at the house I live in now.

But none of this was really the most difficult. All the fine cars, many I had at the same time, the registration numbers on them, these all basically were simple goals I set myself on the way to fulfilling my dreams. Others can and do the same. Successful people are easy to see, maybe not by just looking out of your window but on TV and in the cars which drive past you – as life passes you by. No, the most difficult thing I have ever tried to do is to show others how to put money in their own pockets. Practically all say they want to earn more and some even say they want to earn a lot. But start to show them how and most back away, they don’t trust themselves and don’t want to be put to the test. Even to the extent they will refuse money if you offer to give it to them, or sell it to them. The real stupidity here is that all of these same people fritter money away every day of their lives. The lottery, silly goods at top prices on a credit card and far more put their hand in their pocket from morning till night.

The easiest thing I have ever done as I look back is to go out, buy goods or create services in quantity, come back and sell it to these people. Doing this has made me rich. Try to educate others so that they can do the same has proved to be the most difficult thing I have ever undertaken. All say they wish they were better off than they are – but few want to make the change, what would their friends think of them. No! No!

Of course not everyone falls into this bracket. Otherwise Knoll House Interforum would not have any membership at all. Every single one of my past students have more today than they had before they became a student. Literally, a one hundred percent pass rate. Today some have a lot more, others a little less. When measured correctly it simply depends on their own goals, you can see many of these stories and comments in our free e-Book and our testimonials section.

I except there will never be a time when all want to be better or to lead. For me the problem is finding those that do want to and not just the blowhards, the know-it-alls and yesterday people who in reality have heads as empty as their bank accounts and always will.

Good people are hard to find, because they are busy doing something and in many cases are not looking hard enough or in fact in the right place, to locate the success that can be theirs. That said if this, the high listed site for the creation of personal wealth is not for you then do a friend a favour and pass on the content details. We can aid any self-employed person or any unemployed who is prepared to consider self-employment. We can bring together the people to work together, create new jobs and find the correct ladder of success suited to them both.

Whilst government is still silly enough to want to save all the ‘White’ Elephants from taking the path of most of British industry, we at Knoll House Interforum are taking the route of replanting the greatness of Britain by restoring the entrepreneurial spirit that made it great in first place. Our aim is to show first you and then the world that the ground floor opportunities have more life in them than the old overburdened, overstretched and over managed ones will ever have again.

Join us – tell a friend – or do both.
It’s your life and your future.

Thursday, 10 September 2009

She Was Holding Out For A Hero

For Her Everybody Was Going Nowhere Fast

In 1985 I did not recognise the name Bonnie Tyler, I was having a ball tripping all round the world, buying and selling so easily. Money is not difficult to earn, it is just so few people really want to, not only is that so but sillier still is the fact, those who do usually don’t want to earn too much, just a living, in most cases.

This then leaves so very much not only for me but also for my ever growing body of students to earn.

At this time I am talking about I was following one of the many business plans in my book “The Jet Setting Far Eastern Trader”. I was in Seoul, Korea, when this number as they say, was No1 there, at the time in a fantastic night club with a delicious 18 year old girl by the name of Suki No, together we danced our feet off to this record till morning.

In many parts of the world, what is the number one sound they repeat, once every fifteen minutes being quite usual. It is not then difficult to become familiar with the tune. The words ‘everybody’s going nowhere fast’ made me smile, the retail public, the customers that make the life of a jet setter so very possible. It was the profits in simple trade that was paying for all of this and far more besides.

Suki, accompanied me by day for language translation and in her words ‘will be your wife’ at night, she sure knew how to paint that city of Seoul red! We visited all the hot spots by day and by night.

The nicest part of earning a lot of money is that you get to be able to spend a lot of money, with which you can buy memories. Many people do say that money does not bring you happiness; I am not sure what currency they mean by this remark. The kind I earn and also teach, very definitely makes my students happy.

People who don’t earn it big can’t spend it big, it’s that simple, and the silly thing also, is that it’s simple to earn it big when you know how. Which you may be pleased to know is exactly that I now exclusively devote my time to. Providing you can tell me how much you want to earn I can make ‘how’ possible.

What happened to Suki? She bought me the Bonnie Tyler music that we spent four nights dancing to; I still have it and always think of her when ever I hear it. She still sends me a Christmas card, so I guess that I must have done something right. I often go back to the world wide destinations but never to the same ladies, variety, is after all the spice of life. Perhaps I should write my story as ‘Around the world in eighty orgasms’.

Thursday, 6 August 2009

Live and Let Die

We are happy to welcome Mr Terry Wingrove to our membership list who is indeed an old friend of the founder of this site who got clerically lost owing to a change of business in the late eighties when his operation at that time took him to reside in the USA, together with the confusion that regular changing of phone numbers during that period which outdated so many records, letterheads and more.

Readers of our latest e-Book 'The Magic Circles' may remember comments on Terry and his total go-getter style that he still displays to this day. Besides being an antique trader of considerable repute he is also a Martial Arts expert, his related websites we feature on our links page.

As our most regular site visitors will probably already know, not only the forum site but also our founder now appear in number one position on a Google search, thanks to the skilled work of our webmaster Stephen who built and continues to build this site which fascinates the seekers of wealth but does nothing for the coach potatoes who instead view all the burial adverts of late day time TV that encourage all those to make a plan for dieing, who never made a plan for living in the first place.

Done correctly earning money can be real fun, just ask anyone who does it. Sitting waiting for God is boring, find just one who is having a good time whilst they do it. If there were as many adverts to get up off your backside and become financially independent as they are to pass away with a song in your heart and a smile on your lips, whilst all the rest of the family divide up your leavings, many you won't have seen for years will turn up if there is something for nothing.

It's fun earning real money when you know how to do it - ask a well established Knoll House member.

--- This article was brought to you by Knoll House Interforum - The Home of Personal Wealth Creation ---

Thursday, 11 June 2009

The Lost World

My greatest problem must be without doubt that I grew up as a child on a different planet to this one, most certainly a different world. Perhaps most now would call it a ‘Lost World’.

Let me try to tell you what as a child my world was like and far more importantly what tremendous fun it was to be there and take part in all the wonders, that was in fact a part of every day life for all us small people who lived there.

The weather did not matter because our little bodies were full of life only the big people were affected by it, but then the big people always seemed to have difficulty understanding many things we as little people did not. We little people could find fun, happiness and far more by just opening our eyes and I guess our minds. I have long wondered why the big people could not. I can only figure out that it is the different world, or perhaps it’s a punishment to be a big person.

In my magical world we had things which were secret from the big people all of which were connected with growing up. Probably the most important of which was a huge old magic man, I think his name was Santa or Chris something or other who used to come but sadly only once a year. I remember we wrote to him to ask him for gifts and things we wanted. I often wondered what happened to him and why there is nobody to ask now; years then on my world were a lot longer than they are here and now, so there was far more to do. Let me tell you of some of the more special things about life on my lost world of children. We had dreams, night dreams and day dreams; we could play at being these dreams. There were all kinds of special toys to aid us in these dreams and be part of them. Story books to show us more dreams and treasure of all kinds, happiness was there for all who went in search of it, not only that but the more you searched the more you found. There were stories of funny people, stories of lovely or lucky people, strangely the big people did not understand much of this, although they always said they did, but of course they didn’t, because if they did they wouldn’t have been big people would they?

The years grew shorter, the time between birthdays and Christmas grew less and somewhere along this line I guess I fell off my planet and landed on this one where everything is upside down. Worst still I have become one of these big people who have lost their dreams and goals instead of exchange them for necessities and responsibilities, who don’t search for happiness but depend on security. What I find the most impossible is how this world and my world I came from seem to make the same mistakes for each would be so far better with more imagination at the other end, if you can see what I mean.

Just suppose the adult world, yours or mine, were to regain some of the imagination, spirit and determination of our child’s worlds, what then would be the problem? I guess the answer to that is that they would make us look childish, much worse we could end up looking semi-lifeless and boring. It is probably far better just to let the children have all the imagination, grown ups couldn’t possibly handle it. After all they might become independent, even wealthy. Far better that all the big people of our worlds spend time providing for the little ones. The great pity is that we don’t seem to stay little ones long enough.

When Jonathan Swift wrote Gulliver’s Travels in 1726 he intended it to be a political horror story, yet when published it wasn’t seen as such. At the time he wrote his book those who talked about people flying were called lunatics, this being based on how impossible it would be to fly to the moon. Today most people accept there is probably life on another planet somewhere in the universe but suppose there isn’t, where then would that leave us? You are what you think you are, for most that is actually a sadness, however, as time has shown the more you think you are, the further you think you can go, when, if, you put it together. You too can already visit the two worlds. Better still would be to learn how to apply them as one and become wealthy and wise.


Thursday, 14 May 2009

The Word

We all have standards, the best of us or the worst of us, the remarkable thing is we as human beings can change, alter or rearrange our standards, should we ever see fit to do so. We can live on, under or above our planet, by first the thinking it has taken, and then doing it and making it happen, no other species has even come close to this.

Words, I have heard it said are what men live by, which has some truth providing you know what has been said, in the scheme of things this is only a very small planet with lots of people and indeed many different languages.

There is so many who waste their time on the words of trivia and are apparently stone deaf to words which could change their world.

Someone I knew well had a personal collection of forty thousand books in his quite large house, which was actually collapsing from the weight of them. He had read them all several times, all were none fiction reference books, in short he was the most educated man I ever knew, yet he never had any money, and had educated himself away from common sense. This man really did live by words; they did not appear to do him much good however.

What then are the words you will live by, or have you not given much thought to such yet. The real question is are you going to or is your aim in this life to simply get through it to the next life with as little fuss as possible, at least mummy loves you.

As you stumble through this life and hopefully the next, consider that the one single group of words in all religions and all languages have in common are quite simply that you, will become what you think about, look around you and see, all have or are doing exactly that, few know it, yet these words are written in every tongue in every script and should be the most well known fact in the world!

Just suppose for one small moment there was magic and you could indeed have the classic three wishes. Then what would they be? Which or what words are you going to employ to state them? To do this could bring you closer to reality than many will ever come.

Many times I have walked into a class room and asked who here considers themselves to be average, to watch virtually every hand in the room go up. When I ask them the same question at the end of my talk none do, and all I did whilst I was in that room was to speak words.

Your words now, if you could ask anyone from the entire of history one simple sentence, what would that be? Who would you address it to and why? Make a note of this. Think about it. Expand it in your mind until you can write a paper on it. Do this and you may just walk down a different path in life to the rest.


Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Do You Believe In Santa Claus

Once a year we celebrate Christmas, it doesn’t really matter if we are Christians or not. We make the most elaborate of preparations and go to the ultimate of extremes. All people are nicer to one another, gifts, cards, all kinds of excesses. Sure there are those who are the exception to the rule, more by circumstance if looked at carefully. What ever all said, how many of them Christmases I mean have you had. If like the vast majority you were asked to comment on yours, would you like so very many others make reference to how much better they was when you was a child or much younger. If expressions of this nature would be yours, then feel at ease, because you are in tune with the masses, not that they are right, or in fact are they wrong, but there is a different point of view. One which if we were to go back in time you would possibly recognise.

Can you remember your first Christmas? I doubt that you can, as you would have been less than one year old. Have you ever thought that only those born on that day can claim to be one year old? To be totally critical I could see sense in the supposition that in fact such a person born on Christmas day was not correctly a full year old until the following day. One of the many list able distinctions that I seem to have acquired is that my eldest son was born on this day. What ever quip this may provoke, let me say the chances are that it as already been said many times.

Nevertheless, you had birthdays and Christmases which had an important similarity, that being, at the time, there were presents. Most probably as you became older, so also came along the capability to have some say in what these gifts might be. Leading up to a time, when you may choose exactly what you wanted for yourself.

Now this feature of these wonderful days was a very important lesson we all passed through, but, yet few of us learnt, at the time. Although you may not readily see the implication of the last few lines of this short write up, Hundreds of books, and yes, even bibles take a part in explaining the lessons we all take part in mostly, without knowing what exactly is it we are doing. As with all life and if you would like to call it so, every day life there is always so very many things we do, that we fail to see the full implication of, at least, until it is shown back to us slowly, as a lesson. For me the really strange thing about all of this, is that how, if we can teach the magic of Christmas to our children, then why is it we did not learn its message ourselves.

What is this we are seemingly oblivious to you may ask. Well let me say that if there was an easy answer to that question, practically half the literature of this world in all languages since the Chinese invented written script would have been unnecessary. Whether we are taking about fiction and Santa Claus, or the ascent of mankind, as a result of education then, there is a subject which virtually all authors and writers find they are more comfortable skirting around as they write of it. The reason for this of course is that it has long been believed, that more is to be learnt from telling what ever it is as a story, rather than straight out, hence the bible and its parables.

So very many times you must have used the words “ I told you so” or even had them used on yourself pleasantly or other wise. Most often of course to mean you should know something better or not have forgotten it. How very much more are those same words used when children are involved.

Let us return to our title if we may “Do You Believe in Santa Claus” because when you did, you was part of that magic, and if you follow care fully what comes next, it might still be possible for you regain part of it.

Did you at the time, you believed in Santa and his magic ever write to him, did you write a list of gifts of pressies you hoped or even wished for? You see when you did that you were actually taking part, not only in the magic of Santa and Christmas but you were on the edge, to me at least, of applying to yourself the most important tried and tested feature of human motivation of all time, the plan for living. The number of people who actually do this, write a plan for living is indeed very few. What is so very strange by comparison is the huge numbers of people who write a will, a plan for dying. It is by no means unusual for people to think that this is the most important item of self literature of their lives. To the extent, that also in many cases it is the most complex document that they ever put their name to. This is still a plan for dying however you look at it, should it be you have already done this, without making a plan for living, well you are not alone. There is still time to put things right as long as you are alive that is, even better if you should regain some of the enthusiasm you had for life when you last wrote to Santa, as a child.

Take pen and paper to a quiet place, not your laptop or notebook, you and your thoughts have more involvement in the staying with the writing to Santa theme. Now you can put numbers on your page if necessary or simply start to list things you want or places you may care to go. Don’t be shy or totally outrageous either. Remember you didn’t ask Santa the totally impossible. The first time you do this will not be perfect; the second time will be as with any thing else somewhat easier. All those years passed when you wrote to Santa, what your spelling was like or your grammar did not matter, nor does it now, it is the involvement the mental process, the starting to see you as you could be. So very often we seem to think that the information is for the other guy, its not, it’s for you right here and now. Do you remember I asked you how many Christmas’s you have had? Try to think like this ninety of them but one day of the year all put together at once, all those days. We really did not spend so much time there did we? No wonder we learnt so little.

Let’s try to learn now, the sadness of this life is that the first time that most people write a list of wants, goals and dreams, it is in fact a letter to Santa Claus as a child. Next time they list their requirements is so that they can die fairly unobtrusively, is that what you want. Or maybe you can just start to see where I am coming from, better, far better would be if you could just see how important it is to follow a well laid out map, than it is to just go wandering about aimlessly looking for nothing and ending up nowhere. True there will be those who can say that they never wrote a note for Santa, but let me try another way of putting this before you.

Take your pen, pencil and paper somewhere quiet and sit down, stare long and hard at that blank paper, see the “nothing” that’s on it, because that’s exactly what your going to get, nothing until you set your goals. This formula that was introduced to you as a child was so powerful then that you knew if you wrote nothing on the paper that’s what you were going to get, from Santa, nothing. Tell me which child ever wrote “nothing” as a single word on that piece of paper. Even at that age you knew better, so what’s so different now? Let me guess, you are all grown up and you know better. Not to long ago I produced a CD entitled “If Your So Smart Why Ain’t You Rich” Let me say that research in practically all fields of human achievement, at some point, reveals a plan is not only essential but also indispensible. Most probably also, if you like the silliest of all is that you more or less knew this when you last wrote to Santa.

The question which you must start to ask yourself, is, are you going to write to Santa again now? Well not exactly that but similar, are you going to make, at the very least an attempt at writing a plan for living? If your answer is no, fine, don’t forget about your will before the time comes and that also becomes too late. For those of you that has at least seen some little light in what has been said so far, allow me to give you tips and clues to make the exercise not only easier, but, and very importantly fun.

First imagine that you as they say have had a windfall, you have come into possession of money, not a vast fortune, but yet substantial. Write down the figure on the top of your page that answers this amount to you at this time. OK step one, now spend it. Go on write on the same paper the items you want to buy. Most probably at this point, you will find the figure you wrote was not enough, but that’s not important, what is however is that your descriptions’ of what you listed will not be sufficient. Instructions on how to do this properly and fully, quite seriously fills every good quality motivation book ever written. Should it be that you are not aware of this fact, and then at least you should now be a ware of what you need in your next Xmas stocking. Leaving unsaid that those with more ambition will not wait that long to get one.

Writing about what you want to do with anything clears the mind focuses attention upon the given subject. Try, for example writing a letter to a friend just simply about what you did today, to do so you will have to think about it, as you are doing it you will need to think about it even more, so go on, if you have not done so before go out and buy a top of the line motivational book and learn how to write to Santa.

Should it be that you need assistance by way of recommended titles, then please see my Introduction Video (above), or contact me directly, do please be aware that as with any subject you care to name, there is both good and bad, in this field however there are but two stars. I think I was about seven years old, when an uncle of mine, who was quite a caricature, said to me “Never forget only the best is good enough” How often it is that practically everybody at some time or other ends up settling for second best, even worst of course is those who in fact accept the cheapest and the leftovers, tell me I am wrong, for if you can say that, might not we be looking at the root cause of the problem.

Round about the same time as this happened to me, my class teacher at school put the story of “The Horse Shoes” in front of us as a maths lesson, this I never forgot either, for this showed me that day how to earn all the money I could possibly ever want, and all of this at an age when I knew there was a Santa Claus. As to whether or not my class mates saw what I saw, I don’t know, back then these were my secrets and I was not about to share them. Little did I know at that time that it would be thirty years before I even looked back to wonder why I had found it so easy, and I still to this day cannot understand those who find success so very difficult and instead embrace security. But I guess that’s another story, the only thing to say about it being that security never brings with it success; yet success is in fact its own security; so when you have unravelled that statement, which are you now going in search of and how are you going to do it? Let me tell you the few words at this point in time that should be the most important to you of all; and they are if want to learn anything find the best there is to learn form. Second rate, can only teach second rate.

I started this write up under the title that I did quite intentionally, to end it however it must obviously change to become “Do You Believe In You” because, do you know what, the bottom line is that until you do no one else will. There is help, and lots of it at my web site “Knoll House Interforum” silly it may sound, but I could be the next best thing to Santa Claus you will ever find. Ask any of my past students. Whilst your laughing, just let me ask you who it is your laughing at, because I have proved who I am on a gigantic scale of who I am, if you were to add up today the total worth of my past students, you would be talking in billions of pounds.

I am “Mr Salesmanship” who then are you, or, more politely, who would you like to become, Santa Claus to more than just your own kids either now or when they come along, you are what you think you are and give it some thought, because you can become that which you believe in, once you truly know how.

Movies and far more is available on the web sites, my prime interest in life, is the promotion and the quest for personal wealth, I will assist all those who seek this and confound all those who, hinder, oppose or deny. The world of mankind started with the first self employed who exchanged his labour for meat, not the greedy money lenders past or present, who in truth strangle free enterprise at every chance they get. This world of modern man is no different now then any time in the past, except, there is more people, more customers, and more opportunity. Learn how you can be come part of this, join us at Knoll House.

If you enjoyed this article you can download it in e-book form here.

Monday, 30 March 2009

Divine Stupidity - Part 2

Whilst seated at my desk this week, waiting for others to make their minds up as to whether or not they would ever make their minds up to do anything at all worthwhile, a few thoughts passed through my head which I think to some extent at least shows how so very many people both don’t see the point or in fact even look for it in the first place.

You see we all have far more chances of opportunity than we ever see or recognise. Some however become a legend, like for example the famed story of the goose that laid the golden egg. A solid 24 carat gold egg. Did it’s keeper feed and water it whilst it proceeded to lay more and keep on laying them? No he killed it and opened it up to see if just one more was inside! In his greed and stupidity he killed the goose that laid the golden egg. Not too long ago a dear friend of mine passed away as a result of a serious fall, this man had been an entrepreneur all his life. The number of businesses and enterprises he had been part of was quite literally legend. As was his huge collection of memorabilia from all his past adventures, businesses and meetings with world leaders, film stars, etc, etc. What happened to all this you may ask? Simple, his daughter who inherited the house sent the whole lot to the tip so that she could sell the house as fast as possible with vacant possession. To her a bird in the hand was worth far more than a whole aviary. She actually paid quite a substantial sum of money to have the whole lot cleared. For after all who wants over a million pounds worth of collectable junk and memorabilia nowadays, when instead you can sell a tidy house and only have to pay 40% inheritance tax.

What’s all this to do with the current political banking and employment crisis you may ask? In a word everything, because as you think about your position as a result of it, as you start to see yourself where you are and ask where you could be with a small amount of guidance then maybe you could recognise your golden egg or indeed see your windfall. After all would the man have killed the goose if he had taken a little time to think? My friends daughter, well her face fell when she realised what she had done by being in such a rush for what was a relatively few pennies of her inheritance.

And finally you, that has the most valuable commodity of this world ‘time’. What are you going to do with it? What did you do with it yesterday to benefit you and yours, or last week, even last year? None of that is important if you are able to except that with a little more of the correct knowledge of how to go about something, you could be so very much better off and then instead of giving away your inheritance or cooking your goose you could become that person that you would in fact would envy today.

Motivational Talk

Thursday, 19 February 2009

Devine Stupidity

For me the greatest mistake, silliest concept or if you like the most divine stupidity of the human race is the totally unexplained efforts that people go to to simply be average - why then do we except the term (human race) when for almost 99.99% there is no race at all about it.

We find ways not to stand out, or if we do it is for the wrong reasons. Worst of all we seem to find reasons to make the same mistake and what's more keep on doing it. Millions of us buy a lottery ticket each week knowing full well we are not going to win. Sillier sill is that so many who actually do win have lost the ticket and never claimed the winnings.

I know not everyone in this life is destined to be great at something or other. Yet I do know that so very many more could be and the only effort that would take would be desire. For some one simple lesson, for others a short course of lessons. The only difference between a genius and an idiot is what they know - what they have learnt. Has anyone ever asked you want you want to be - have you ever given it a thought - will you ever give it a thought. Do you still want to be average, if so can you tell me why.

For goodness sake, there is not, as not nor will there ever be a wagers ship coming to earth from outer space. We, us, mankind have created the economy. It wasn't so difficult and can be put back on course by those who have just a bit more about them than being average. Those who instead of giving up in desperation saying that they can't find a job turning to some form of self-employment, or in other words those who are prepared to become well above the 'average'.

Thursday, 15 January 2009

The Year of the Self-Employed 2009

The stupidity of the system today is that the body of people who serve themselves best, work the hardest, take the fewest breaks and are rarely off (sick) – are worst treated group of people in the country, possible the whole of the English speaking world!

I refer of course to the self employed. Those un-sung band of heroes from whose ranks have come the people who created every business on the face of the earth since time itself for mankind began. People who today have to pay tax on money before they have even earned it. Who collect tax without even being paid to do so. People who have more regulations to hold them back from performing than can be possibly imagined at first sight. People who in fact have more controls to adhere to than a person serving in a maximum security prison.

When are we going to see a change? In the early 1970’s Milton Freedman and American Economist employed by no less than the British Government of that time, concluded that Britain is a nation of disincentives. So what has changed in over four decades?

Probably the greatest idiosyncrasy in living memory is what we have now in this man-made situation that we have come to call the “Credit Crunch” world wide. Man-made by greed, stupidity and most of all total ignorance of common sense. The upturned pyramid of credit stands on little or even no foundation at all. This ridiculous situation being referred to as confidence. Even more unbelievable is that right now those who are in power seek to restore this ridiculous balance.

In almost every facet the voice of reason goes unheard. As it was with the famous White Line Ship Titanic, being told by all who saw the danger, to slow down. Every single person on board of which wished they had when it was too late. Nothing has changed, the “Credit Crunch” did not have to happen, thousands did not have to be thrown into misery, the question is who cares now?

Your Knoll House Interforum does, in which vein we can reveal to you, our membership today, that we have received correspondence from no less than Buckingham Palace, to hopefully introduce us to the correct member of the House of Lords, with a view to discussing the feelings and ideas of you, our membership.

To Be Continued...