Monday, 30 March 2009

Divine Stupidity - Part 2

Whilst seated at my desk this week, waiting for others to make their minds up as to whether or not they would ever make their minds up to do anything at all worthwhile, a few thoughts passed through my head which I think to some extent at least shows how so very many people both don’t see the point or in fact even look for it in the first place.

You see we all have far more chances of opportunity than we ever see or recognise. Some however become a legend, like for example the famed story of the goose that laid the golden egg. A solid 24 carat gold egg. Did it’s keeper feed and water it whilst it proceeded to lay more and keep on laying them? No he killed it and opened it up to see if just one more was inside! In his greed and stupidity he killed the goose that laid the golden egg. Not too long ago a dear friend of mine passed away as a result of a serious fall, this man had been an entrepreneur all his life. The number of businesses and enterprises he had been part of was quite literally legend. As was his huge collection of memorabilia from all his past adventures, businesses and meetings with world leaders, film stars, etc, etc. What happened to all this you may ask? Simple, his daughter who inherited the house sent the whole lot to the tip so that she could sell the house as fast as possible with vacant possession. To her a bird in the hand was worth far more than a whole aviary. She actually paid quite a substantial sum of money to have the whole lot cleared. For after all who wants over a million pounds worth of collectable junk and memorabilia nowadays, when instead you can sell a tidy house and only have to pay 40% inheritance tax.

What’s all this to do with the current political banking and employment crisis you may ask? In a word everything, because as you think about your position as a result of it, as you start to see yourself where you are and ask where you could be with a small amount of guidance then maybe you could recognise your golden egg or indeed see your windfall. After all would the man have killed the goose if he had taken a little time to think? My friends daughter, well her face fell when she realised what she had done by being in such a rush for what was a relatively few pennies of her inheritance.

And finally you, that has the most valuable commodity of this world ‘time’. What are you going to do with it? What did you do with it yesterday to benefit you and yours, or last week, even last year? None of that is important if you are able to except that with a little more of the correct knowledge of how to go about something, you could be so very much better off and then instead of giving away your inheritance or cooking your goose you could become that person that you would in fact would envy today.

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