Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Do You Believe In Santa Claus

Once a year we celebrate Christmas, it doesn’t really matter if we are Christians or not. We make the most elaborate of preparations and go to the ultimate of extremes. All people are nicer to one another, gifts, cards, all kinds of excesses. Sure there are those who are the exception to the rule, more by circumstance if looked at carefully. What ever all said, how many of them Christmases I mean have you had. If like the vast majority you were asked to comment on yours, would you like so very many others make reference to how much better they was when you was a child or much younger. If expressions of this nature would be yours, then feel at ease, because you are in tune with the masses, not that they are right, or in fact are they wrong, but there is a different point of view. One which if we were to go back in time you would possibly recognise.

Can you remember your first Christmas? I doubt that you can, as you would have been less than one year old. Have you ever thought that only those born on that day can claim to be one year old? To be totally critical I could see sense in the supposition that in fact such a person born on Christmas day was not correctly a full year old until the following day. One of the many list able distinctions that I seem to have acquired is that my eldest son was born on this day. What ever quip this may provoke, let me say the chances are that it as already been said many times.

Nevertheless, you had birthdays and Christmases which had an important similarity, that being, at the time, there were presents. Most probably as you became older, so also came along the capability to have some say in what these gifts might be. Leading up to a time, when you may choose exactly what you wanted for yourself.

Now this feature of these wonderful days was a very important lesson we all passed through, but, yet few of us learnt, at the time. Although you may not readily see the implication of the last few lines of this short write up, Hundreds of books, and yes, even bibles take a part in explaining the lessons we all take part in mostly, without knowing what exactly is it we are doing. As with all life and if you would like to call it so, every day life there is always so very many things we do, that we fail to see the full implication of, at least, until it is shown back to us slowly, as a lesson. For me the really strange thing about all of this, is that how, if we can teach the magic of Christmas to our children, then why is it we did not learn its message ourselves.

What is this we are seemingly oblivious to you may ask. Well let me say that if there was an easy answer to that question, practically half the literature of this world in all languages since the Chinese invented written script would have been unnecessary. Whether we are taking about fiction and Santa Claus, or the ascent of mankind, as a result of education then, there is a subject which virtually all authors and writers find they are more comfortable skirting around as they write of it. The reason for this of course is that it has long been believed, that more is to be learnt from telling what ever it is as a story, rather than straight out, hence the bible and its parables.

So very many times you must have used the words “ I told you so” or even had them used on yourself pleasantly or other wise. Most often of course to mean you should know something better or not have forgotten it. How very much more are those same words used when children are involved.

Let us return to our title if we may “Do You Believe in Santa Claus” because when you did, you was part of that magic, and if you follow care fully what comes next, it might still be possible for you regain part of it.

Did you at the time, you believed in Santa and his magic ever write to him, did you write a list of gifts of pressies you hoped or even wished for? You see when you did that you were actually taking part, not only in the magic of Santa and Christmas but you were on the edge, to me at least, of applying to yourself the most important tried and tested feature of human motivation of all time, the plan for living. The number of people who actually do this, write a plan for living is indeed very few. What is so very strange by comparison is the huge numbers of people who write a will, a plan for dying. It is by no means unusual for people to think that this is the most important item of self literature of their lives. To the extent, that also in many cases it is the most complex document that they ever put their name to. This is still a plan for dying however you look at it, should it be you have already done this, without making a plan for living, well you are not alone. There is still time to put things right as long as you are alive that is, even better if you should regain some of the enthusiasm you had for life when you last wrote to Santa, as a child.

Take pen and paper to a quiet place, not your laptop or notebook, you and your thoughts have more involvement in the staying with the writing to Santa theme. Now you can put numbers on your page if necessary or simply start to list things you want or places you may care to go. Don’t be shy or totally outrageous either. Remember you didn’t ask Santa the totally impossible. The first time you do this will not be perfect; the second time will be as with any thing else somewhat easier. All those years passed when you wrote to Santa, what your spelling was like or your grammar did not matter, nor does it now, it is the involvement the mental process, the starting to see you as you could be. So very often we seem to think that the information is for the other guy, its not, it’s for you right here and now. Do you remember I asked you how many Christmas’s you have had? Try to think like this ninety of them but one day of the year all put together at once, all those days. We really did not spend so much time there did we? No wonder we learnt so little.

Let’s try to learn now, the sadness of this life is that the first time that most people write a list of wants, goals and dreams, it is in fact a letter to Santa Claus as a child. Next time they list their requirements is so that they can die fairly unobtrusively, is that what you want. Or maybe you can just start to see where I am coming from, better, far better would be if you could just see how important it is to follow a well laid out map, than it is to just go wandering about aimlessly looking for nothing and ending up nowhere. True there will be those who can say that they never wrote a note for Santa, but let me try another way of putting this before you.

Take your pen, pencil and paper somewhere quiet and sit down, stare long and hard at that blank paper, see the “nothing” that’s on it, because that’s exactly what your going to get, nothing until you set your goals. This formula that was introduced to you as a child was so powerful then that you knew if you wrote nothing on the paper that’s what you were going to get, from Santa, nothing. Tell me which child ever wrote “nothing” as a single word on that piece of paper. Even at that age you knew better, so what’s so different now? Let me guess, you are all grown up and you know better. Not to long ago I produced a CD entitled “If Your So Smart Why Ain’t You Rich” Let me say that research in practically all fields of human achievement, at some point, reveals a plan is not only essential but also indispensible. Most probably also, if you like the silliest of all is that you more or less knew this when you last wrote to Santa.

The question which you must start to ask yourself, is, are you going to write to Santa again now? Well not exactly that but similar, are you going to make, at the very least an attempt at writing a plan for living? If your answer is no, fine, don’t forget about your will before the time comes and that also becomes too late. For those of you that has at least seen some little light in what has been said so far, allow me to give you tips and clues to make the exercise not only easier, but, and very importantly fun.

First imagine that you as they say have had a windfall, you have come into possession of money, not a vast fortune, but yet substantial. Write down the figure on the top of your page that answers this amount to you at this time. OK step one, now spend it. Go on write on the same paper the items you want to buy. Most probably at this point, you will find the figure you wrote was not enough, but that’s not important, what is however is that your descriptions’ of what you listed will not be sufficient. Instructions on how to do this properly and fully, quite seriously fills every good quality motivation book ever written. Should it be that you are not aware of this fact, and then at least you should now be a ware of what you need in your next Xmas stocking. Leaving unsaid that those with more ambition will not wait that long to get one.

Writing about what you want to do with anything clears the mind focuses attention upon the given subject. Try, for example writing a letter to a friend just simply about what you did today, to do so you will have to think about it, as you are doing it you will need to think about it even more, so go on, if you have not done so before go out and buy a top of the line motivational book and learn how to write to Santa.

Should it be that you need assistance by way of recommended titles, then please see my Introduction Video (above), or contact me directly, do please be aware that as with any subject you care to name, there is both good and bad, in this field however there are but two stars. I think I was about seven years old, when an uncle of mine, who was quite a caricature, said to me “Never forget only the best is good enough” How often it is that practically everybody at some time or other ends up settling for second best, even worst of course is those who in fact accept the cheapest and the leftovers, tell me I am wrong, for if you can say that, might not we be looking at the root cause of the problem.

Round about the same time as this happened to me, my class teacher at school put the story of “The Horse Shoes” in front of us as a maths lesson, this I never forgot either, for this showed me that day how to earn all the money I could possibly ever want, and all of this at an age when I knew there was a Santa Claus. As to whether or not my class mates saw what I saw, I don’t know, back then these were my secrets and I was not about to share them. Little did I know at that time that it would be thirty years before I even looked back to wonder why I had found it so easy, and I still to this day cannot understand those who find success so very difficult and instead embrace security. But I guess that’s another story, the only thing to say about it being that security never brings with it success; yet success is in fact its own security; so when you have unravelled that statement, which are you now going in search of and how are you going to do it? Let me tell you the few words at this point in time that should be the most important to you of all; and they are if want to learn anything find the best there is to learn form. Second rate, can only teach second rate.

I started this write up under the title that I did quite intentionally, to end it however it must obviously change to become “Do You Believe In You” because, do you know what, the bottom line is that until you do no one else will. There is help, and lots of it at my web site “Knoll House Interforum” silly it may sound, but I could be the next best thing to Santa Claus you will ever find. Ask any of my past students. Whilst your laughing, just let me ask you who it is your laughing at, because I have proved who I am on a gigantic scale of who I am, if you were to add up today the total worth of my past students, you would be talking in billions of pounds.

I am “Mr Salesmanship” who then are you, or, more politely, who would you like to become, Santa Claus to more than just your own kids either now or when they come along, you are what you think you are and give it some thought, because you can become that which you believe in, once you truly know how.

Movies and far more is available on the web sites, my prime interest in life, is the promotion and the quest for personal wealth, I will assist all those who seek this and confound all those who, hinder, oppose or deny. The world of mankind started with the first self employed who exchanged his labour for meat, not the greedy money lenders past or present, who in truth strangle free enterprise at every chance they get. This world of modern man is no different now then any time in the past, except, there is more people, more customers, and more opportunity. Learn how you can be come part of this, join us at Knoll House.

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