Thursday, 15 January 2009

The Year of the Self-Employed 2009

The stupidity of the system today is that the body of people who serve themselves best, work the hardest, take the fewest breaks and are rarely off (sick) – are worst treated group of people in the country, possible the whole of the English speaking world!

I refer of course to the self employed. Those un-sung band of heroes from whose ranks have come the people who created every business on the face of the earth since time itself for mankind began. People who today have to pay tax on money before they have even earned it. Who collect tax without even being paid to do so. People who have more regulations to hold them back from performing than can be possibly imagined at first sight. People who in fact have more controls to adhere to than a person serving in a maximum security prison.

When are we going to see a change? In the early 1970’s Milton Freedman and American Economist employed by no less than the British Government of that time, concluded that Britain is a nation of disincentives. So what has changed in over four decades?

Probably the greatest idiosyncrasy in living memory is what we have now in this man-made situation that we have come to call the “Credit Crunch” world wide. Man-made by greed, stupidity and most of all total ignorance of common sense. The upturned pyramid of credit stands on little or even no foundation at all. This ridiculous situation being referred to as confidence. Even more unbelievable is that right now those who are in power seek to restore this ridiculous balance.

In almost every facet the voice of reason goes unheard. As it was with the famous White Line Ship Titanic, being told by all who saw the danger, to slow down. Every single person on board of which wished they had when it was too late. Nothing has changed, the “Credit Crunch” did not have to happen, thousands did not have to be thrown into misery, the question is who cares now?

Your Knoll House Interforum does, in which vein we can reveal to you, our membership today, that we have received correspondence from no less than Buckingham Palace, to hopefully introduce us to the correct member of the House of Lords, with a view to discussing the feelings and ideas of you, our membership.

To Be Continued...

1 comment:

Tim Hancock said...

Hello Reg,
It's wonderful news that at last your letters have received a response and at the very highest level! I really hope that you manage to get an audience with some truly important and decision making people who have the guts and determination to put your ideas into practice to get this country of ours back to the 'Great' Britain that it should be! The very best of luck and my Best Wishes, Tim Hancock. (Former Mr Salesmanship student.)